What Exactly Do You Do?

“I see you work for a company called Bartles & Associates. What exactly do you do?” Ummm… what do I do? Let’s see... I write blog posts, play around on pinterest, facebook, and twitter, drink Champagne… Hmmm… oh I also handle office management stuff, write copy for websites, revamp current marketing material, and create strategies. That about covers some of what I do at Bartles & Associates. Sounds a little hectic, but hey we have marketing to do. Did that answer your question?

Oh, you want to know how we market your business? I see. Well, that is a little more complicated and involves lots of Champagne and brainstorming. Every company is different you see. We find your strengths and work with those to provide you with the maximum potential for marketing your company. Oh you don’t understand that? LOL! Let me try this simpler explanation… We find what works best with the operations you already have in place in your company and use those to your advantage. We help give you an edge…find what sets you apart from your competitors and FLAUNT IT! We help make your marketing materials cohesive, so that the same information appears EVERYWHERE! We make you POPULAR so get you noticed!

Oh now you understand what I do! GREAT! Think you can explain it back to me? Because really understanding what we do helps us, help you. I may get overwhelmed and client work gets a little (or A LOT) hectic at times, but working at B&A I always remember the Champagne… and that boss of mine (LOVE YOU!) always nagging about blog posts and needing this sales strategy or that copy edit on website content or following up with a client about lord knows what, won’t let me forget… Oh who am I kidding… I LOVE MY JOB AT B&A! You gotta know what you do and LOVE IT! So ask me what I do and I will tell you…